Vanderpump and Sykes
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Vanderpump and Sykes

Many solicitors will take you for as much as possible.This is your opportunity to say what you want without recourse.You are expected to name names.

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Your privacy and security

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1Your privacy and security Empty Your privacy and security Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:28 pm



Traffic flow is the life blood of any website. So here are a few tips to make more people to come here to read what posters want people to read.
1) Leave links to this site in as many places as possible.
2) One of my favourites is to comment on news articles. For example if the Pope was caught bonking his house cleaner it would make headlines. If you put a link to this site claiming you have it all on video most of the world would be coming to this site. Some will even stay and post. I think you get the idea but use your imagination.
3) Some of the Law Firms mentioned on this site might take it personally and will do what they do best (or worst which is the reason why they are receiving honourable mention here), which is of course to litigate. Litigation works fairly well only if you know who to take to court. So, if you are concerned about your privacy I suggest you ask your cousin in some backward African country to drop by an internet café and post what you emailed him. For the less paranoid Google “anonymous web browsing” and you will have choices.
4) If readers have good ideas add your ideas to this thread.

2Your privacy and security Empty Re: Your privacy and security Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:46 am


Thanx Admin

I have a guitar music forum and had difficulties attracting members. Then I tried your idea and picked up close to 200 in just two days. BTW I also used FB.

3Your privacy and security Empty Re: Your privacy and security Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:32 pm


Admin wrote:Traffic flow is the life blood of any website.  So here are a few tips to make more people to come here to read what posters want people to read.
1) Leave links to this site in as many places as    possible.
2) One of my favourites is to comment on news articles.  For example if the Pope was caught bonking his house cleaner it would make headlines.  If you put a link to this site claiming you have it all on video most of the world would be coming to this site. Some will even stay and post.  I think you get the idea but use your imagination.
3) Some of the Law Firms mentioned on this site might take it personally and will do what they do best (or worst which is the reason why they are receiving honourable mention here), which is of course to litigate.  Litigation works fairly well only if you know who to take to court. So, if you are concerned about your privacy I suggest you ask your cousin in some backward African country to drop by an internet café and post what you emailed him.  For the less paranoid Google “anonymous web browsing” and you will have choices.
4) If readers have good ideas add your ideas to this thread.

I put the Pope on a Muslim forum as a paedophile and it generated hundreds of comments, mostly negative, and within an hour I was BANNED FOR EVER. The link led back to this site and the muzzies took the bait LOL.
But I agree with you Admin posting links on other sites, especially news sites works.

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