Vanderpump and Sykes
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Vanderpump and Sykes

Many solicitors will take you for as much as possible.This is your opportunity to say what you want without recourse.You are expected to name names.

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Kicked out of many shops

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1Kicked out of many shops Empty Kicked out of many shops Fri Nov 13, 2015 5:00 pm


never did nothing.Fukking paki woman accused us of stealing mars bar.will some solicitor help me

2Kicked out of many shops Empty Re: Kicked out of many shops Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:27 pm


maddog wrote:never did nothing.Fukking paki woman accused us of stealing mars bar.will some solicitor help me

doubt probably stole 2 many sweets from her hahahaha

Go back to school and put this link on the loo wall

htt p:/ / enfieldlaw . wordpress . com


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