Vanderpump and Sykes
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Vanderpump and Sykes

Many solicitors will take you for as much as possible.This is your opportunity to say what you want without recourse.You are expected to name names.

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New Ownership of Forum

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1New Ownership of Forum Empty New Ownership of Forum Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:20 am



As the Admin for this forum I have found that it required too many hours for management. After careful consideration I have decided that this forum can benefit readers/posters who are interested in the subject of "wayward solicitors". So rather than shutting down the site I have decided to pass on the login/password so that an interested party can continue the good work. So if you are interested here is the information


The password for the Administrative Panel is the same.

The race is on! First person to change the password gets the forum. Good Luck. affraid

2New Ownership of Forum Empty Re: New Ownership of Forum Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:13 pm


Someone had beaten me to it.And I thought I had a ready made forum all to myself.

3New Ownership of Forum Empty Re: New Ownership of Forum Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:06 pm


loveallah wrote:Someone had beaten me to it.And I thought I had a ready made forum all to myself.

Bet you wanted this forum to recruit idiots for ISIS Laughing Laughing Laughing

4New Ownership of Forum Empty Re: New Ownership of Forum Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:24 pm

devon fan

Maybe the new Admin needs to pass the forum on to a New New Admin HAHAHAHA or return it to RK. Laughing Laughing Laughing

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