Vanderpump and Sykes
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Vanderpump and Sykes

Many solicitors will take you for as much as possible.This is your opportunity to say what you want without recourse.You are expected to name names.

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Solicitors from Hell

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1Solicitors from Hell Empty Solicitors from Hell Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:37 pm

LA Law

I thought this ridiculous site was shut down from the UK end. How is it still around?

2Solicitors from Hell Empty Re: Solicitors from Hell Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:49 pm


LA Law wrote:I thought this ridiculous site was shut down from the UK end.  How is it still around?

I believe it was banned in the UK and at one time it was relocated in the US. If you check you will find that in the US there are a lot of Rate your lawyer, Rate your doctor, Rate your professor etc sites so obviously there is protection to free speech not always available in some other parts of the world. Because of the internet it makes sense that if something is banned in your country you use a server in the US. access is usually good anywhere. Remember how people in places like Egypt or Iran do get their messages out?

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