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She went with my friend before Xmas

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1She went with my friend before Xmas Empty She went with my friend before Xmas Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:26 pm


Miz Inderjit had a quick affair with my friend over at Enfield Grammar but it ended just before Xmas.
Looks like she was not satisfied with his performance. HaHaHa. Laughing Suspect pig

2She went with my friend before Xmas Empty Re: She went with my friend before Xmas Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:30 pm


Robo wrote:Miz Inderjit had a quick affair with my friend over at Enfield Grammar but it ended just before Xmas.
Looks like she was not satisfied with his performance. HaHaHa. Laughing Suspect pig
The question we must ask is was he, asuming that he was a he, satisfied with what she offered him.

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