Vanderpump and Sykes
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Vanderpump and Sykes

Many solicitors will take you for as much as possible.This is your opportunity to say what you want without recourse.You are expected to name names.

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Been looking around for advice for estate planning for Autistic child

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Live in Cockfosters and am looking for a good honest, efficient solicitor but my quest is frustrated by too much misinformation. Asked around a lot but had no satisfaction.Checking around on the internet produced the kind getting honourable mention on many sites such as this.

Here is an example of a law firm a short distance away. It was recommended but then I went on the computer, googled and found this which raised some concerns.How would you react?

Crappy Muslim lawyer
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Crappy Muslim lawyer
Postby wedding singer » Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:52 pm

This woman did some legal work 4 me. This is her. Image
She f**cked up my case about 4 years ago.Thought she was a mental case.Complaints were ignored so I checked her on the internet and looky what I found. She internet famous

Inderjit Ahitan, DOB Dec 12, 1973: Solicitor with Law Firm Hewitsons, cautioned for having sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old male pupil from a Northampton school on three separate occasions dating back to 2003, at the office after working hours but also in a car near a local golf course and the flat of a friend. A discipline committee panel, comprised of senior partners held a private internal hearing into these incidents relating to failure to observe appropriate professional boundaries. Subsequently at the pupil’s parents and the accused’s request that the incident not be made public it was agreed that professional psychological counseling for a period of one year be required. Additionally it was agreed that Inderjit Ahitan would seek a position with a different firm.


Google says she is now with Vanderpumps and Sykes in Edmonton

Here is another one from a different site

www director/8595641 ... JIT-AHITAN
MS INDERJIT AHITAN is a company officer from ENFIELD MIDDLESEX. This person was born on 1973-12-04 and is 43 years old. MS INDERJIT AHITAN is ...
wedding singer

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Re: Crappy Muslim lawyer
Postby manfred » Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:53 pm

It seems not only churches move "problem" people from one post to another. It seems to be a common response in many professions.

However, I would have to say from the information you gave that her religion is entirely incidental, and I am not even convinced she is a Muslim. But if she were, how does that relate to anything else you said?

I also want to point out if you WRITE (as oppose to say) something in which you make damaging allegations you MUST be 100% sure you have your facts right, to avoid the possibility of a law suit for slander. In law, you may express an OPINION about someone which may be seen as damaging, and that is NOT against the law. However if you allege that certain things actually happened, (as opposed to saying you believe that they may have happened) and they did not or you cannot prove they did, you may leave yourself open to trouble, specially from a lawyer.

As complaints about a lawyer, in the UK the best approach is contact the law society:

They will help you to get heard.

best wishes


friar tuck

tender, just check around. there are a lot of legals around your area. btw stick to local solicitors because if they fuck your case then they have to to know that you will be passing your opinions around locally. Once word gets out the solicitor will have to deal with a negative reputation.good luck.

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